Break things, write reports

How to run a shit Pentester interview

Does your org work out of the 90s? Do you want to annoy potential new hires? This is the guide for you!

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Posted at — Oct 14, 2020

Are you a security company, and trying to hire new staff? Want to do it poorly? Try out the following tips and tricks, broken into before, during, and after!

Job advertisement:

Try the following canned statements for your advertisement:

Qualfiications to look for:

If you have any applicants, ensure to ignore their emails for a few weeks. Set expectations properly early!

During the interview:

For the unimaginative, 100% billed out consultants out there that need some easy copy-paste questions for the important script, try out the following:

It is awful to write out such obvious sarcasm - however if you’re running a hiring process like this, you’re making it way harder than required, and likely pruning out good candidates that can smell nonsense from miles away. This post came mostly out of my notes on previous, real interviews at large organisation(s), which I’m fairly glad I didn’t end up at!

On a more serious note, do the complete opposite - anyone who passes with the above is probably incredibly resilient, or is going to make your workspace a lot shittier, and you’re a dick for doing that to someone.