Break things, write reports

The price of a Big Mac

How many Gorske is that weekly meeting costing you, really?

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Posted at — Jan 16, 2022

Wondering how much money some pointless, reoccurring task is costing your team? Ever wondered what that would be in Big Macs? How about a lot of Big Macs?

In honour of the authors previous colleagues (and good friends), I’d like to present the Gorske Calculator.

To quote Wikipedia on an absolute hero [1]:

""" Donald A. Gorske (born November 28, 1953) is an American world record holder known as the “Big Mac enthusiast”. He is best known for having eaten 30,000 Big Mac hamburgers from the U.S. fast food chain McDonald’s in his lifetime, winning him a place in the Guinness Book of Records.


Let me introduce you to the final level of thinking; Comparing pointless costs to a Gorske unit - 30,000 Big Macs.

At the time of writing, one Gorske comes out to $192,000 Australian Dollarydoos.

It makes you think if the cost of that $300/year license is actually that expensive, or if you should just buy a second-hand NUC and stick it in someone’s cupboard.

See it at
