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Jul 24, 2019
Shitty sysadmins - MS14-025findstr /S /I cpassword shouldn't give you domain admin in 2019
Jul 16, 2019
Password Audit and Control Guidance - Active DirectoryStopping users from having stupid passwords in AD
Jun 1, 2019
Sysmon configuationSeriously just use the swiftonsecurity config - it's way better than what you're doing now.
Feb 3, 2019
Dumping memory using SMMUsing System Management Mode for dumping memory
Feb 2, 2019
Sitting in hardwareA tl;dr summary on System Management Mode (SMM), light covering on hardware backdoors and forensic capabilities
Dec 1, 2018
Kiwicon 2018 notesThoughts on Kiwicon 2018